NYC Sexual Health Clinics
More, more, more... sex positivity
How do you change the perception of New York City's Sexual Health Clinics as stodgy, old, and stuck in time? Create a campaign that is a little bit cheeky and a whole lot sex positive. The New York City Department of Health reached out to us with a challenge. STIs were on the rise and even though their clinics had been revamped and they were offering expanded services, they were still up against a perception problem. We knew we had to create something bold and modern in order to not only break through these perceptions but also to stand out against traditional sexual health messaging. We created a campaign that called out real life, relatable and sometimes funny sexual moments using sex positive messaging to reduce any shame or stigma associated with visiting a sexual health clinic. We avoided using real people to ensure we didn't single out any specific populations, sex positive for all! The campaign garnered local press lauding the sex positive approach that the city had taken to ensure the sexual health of all New Yorkers.​​​​​​​
